I worked for three years to build up a one-man band act with my saxophone, a keyboard, and my flute. 我花了三年的时间组织一个由萨克管、电子琴和长笛组成的一人乐队。
Lucky for you, the UNIX ® operating system is much more like the one-man band than your clumsy columnist. 对您来说,幸运的是,UNIX®操作系统更像是那个单人乐队,而不是像我这个笨手笨脚的专栏作家。
At a recent street fair, I was mesmerized by the one-man band. 在最近的街头游乐会上,有一个单人乐队让我很是着迷。
Then, he is stuck with the one-man band job-business and ends up not being able to grow. 最后,他的企业也就成了一个人的独角戏,无力继续发展。
The orgamizution seems to have become a one-man band with just one person making all the decisions. 只一个人就做出了所有的决定,这个组织似乎成了一个一人乐队。
He runs the business as a one-man band. 他是单枪匹马办企业。
I run the business as a one-man band just me and no one else. 我是单干户&只有我一人,没有别人。
Unfortunately, he was kind of a one-man band. 很不幸,他是那种喜欢独来独往的人。
Goldman wants to bolt before Congress or Mr Geithner, who still operates as a one-man band while the nomination process for his senior staff meanders along, has the chance to change fundamentally how it operates. 高盛希望在国会或盖特纳有机会从根本上改变运作方式前就开小差,而其高级幕僚的任命过程还遥遥无期,盖特纳至今仍在唱独角戏。